Brendan Byrne

The sci-fi spaceship as political archive.

Brendan Byrne

On Mutu's hybrid bodies and Ytasha L. Womack's 'Afrofuturism.'

Brendan Byrne

"This Journal is a memorial. New entries cannot be posted to it." So reads the ...

Joanne McNeil


Joanne McNeil

Yesterday, sculptor John Powers unveiled his recent project — a rewrite of the script for Prometheus...

Giampaolo Bianconi

Peter Merrington

The projects of German artist, Agnes Meyer-Brandis, flirt with the construction of scientific knowledge, grasping ...

Brendan Byrne

This summer when Britain was gripped by civil disturbance, it was suggested by some in ...

Jason Huff

When conjuring up a reason why white is the dominant shade of Modernity one might ...

Joanne McNeil

Released shortly before Ali: Fear Eats Soul Rainer Werner Fassbinder's 1973 sci-fi tv movie ...