Brett Stalbaum

Brett Stalbaum:

ryan griffis

ryan griffis: The Center for Tactical Magic is excited to announce the Tactical Ice Cream ...

Lauren Cornell

Lauren Cornell: The4thScreen: a global fest of art and innovation for mobile phones


East German utopia stories from the 70's collected and converted into spoken words by ...


by Renny Pritikin Dave Lane's day job is monitoring the water system of California ...


The Multimedia Performance Studio at Geoarge Mason University creates original productions, often drawing on historical ...


This week the Interactive Digital Media and Arts Association will have its annual conference, code ...


a networked data visualization of the most-linked-to 50 blogs & their interconnections. each arrow represents a ...


Each magnetic card, like its owner, is unique. ¢apital magneti¢, by Mark Trayle, is a ...


Every year Rhizome commissions ambitious new media works, via an open call, and the eleven ...