Harry Burke

Transforming printed poems through erasure and overlay.

Erich Nagler

A print designer reflects on the digital road not taken.

Natalie Saltiel

"gif. jpg. png. tif. (gjpt)," an exhibition currently on display at HEREart , explores the relationship ...

Ceci Moss

For those involved with DIY art publishing, a number of artists, journals, and galleries have ...

Ceci Moss

Snippets below from Little Caesar Magazine, a literary journal/zine produced by Dennis Cooper from ...

Ceci Moss

No Layout is a new online platform for independent art and fashion publishers. While mainstream ...

Thomas Bey William Bailey

The concept of networked art, or art which relies on exchange and collaboration across great ...

Ceci Moss

A Young Kim, We Listen to Bach Transfixed Because This Is Listening to A Human ...

Ceci Moss

Site-specific map plotting the location of FM commercial and pirate radio stations within London. Power ...

Ceci Moss

Blast 3 from 1993 Jordan Crandall is an artist and media theorist whose work deals ...

Ceci Moss

As a memorial for the ".yu" domain - subject of conflicts during the war, now switched ...

Charlotte Frost

In 2009 the editorial team at Mute (in association with Autonomedia) published a collection of ...