Ceci Moss

black and white plotter drawing

Ceci Moss

Colored plotter drawing

Ceci Moss

Black and white plotter drawing created on an IBM 360/75, printed on a CalComp ...

Ceci Moss

Germany’s first computer graphics were jointly produced in 1960 by the artist Kurd Alsleben ...

John Michael Boling

It all started when, on a trip to Germany, I was resting at the hotel ...

Ceci Moss

A portrait of Eliane Radigue, produced by the Austrian IMA (Institute for Media Archeology), which ...

Ceci Moss

Very Slow Scan Television (VSSTV) is a new television format that we have developed building ...

Ceci Moss

Documentary following a generation of post-punk musicians who took the synthesizer from the experimental fringes ...

Ceci Moss

Series looking at cult electronic instruments that have shaped modern music.