Ceci Moss

James Whipple, Eye White, 2008 Club Internet opened a new online exhibition today, which runs ...

Marisa Olson

The Brooklyn Museum is hip to this internet thing. Their current show, "Click!" (note the ...

Marisa Olson

Steve Lambert's Add Art project (a 2008 Rhizome Commission co-developed with the artist's ...

Marisa Olson

You may have read about free103point9 here, before. At Rhizome, we maintain a high esteem ...

Marisa Olson

Have you ever noticed that sometimes spam emails contain the most interesting images? In an ...

Ceci Moss

Last week, the Internet Society hosted a panel entitled Futures of the Internet, with academic ...


Danish site Netfilmmakers.dk provides what it terms "a non-commercial projectionspace for netfilm, net art ...


Artists Olia Lialina and Dragan Espenschied have produced a body of work that focuses on ...

Tyler Coburn