Ceci Moss

Christmastime favorite, the Gingerbread Man, enters the darkside in this video by renown art/music ...

Ceci Moss

Jonathan Soderstrom of Cactus Software is currently developing the third installment of his "Mondo" game ...

Greg J. Smith

Interface aesthetics seem to push further into public consciousness with each passing month. Consumers are ...

Marisa Olson

Just in time for the holiday season comes an exhibition inspired by the heartwarming Brian ...

Ceci Moss

g-speak overview 1828121108 from john underkoffler on Vimeo. Claire Evans wrote an interesting article on ...

Brian Droitcour

IX @ DEADTECH 2008 from IX h3x3n on Vimeo. IX knows 9 spells: 1. 0N: turns ...

Nick Hasty

Processing, the open-source programming language and production environment developed by Ben Fry and Casey Reas ...

Ceci Moss

Jason Rohrer, creator of Passage and Gravitation, has a new game, Between, which is now ...

Marisa Olson

Does anyone know how many biennials there are in the world, now? There is a ...

Ceci Moss

LAUNCH Statement: Stephen Vitiello's first solo project for the web, Tetrasomia presents intriguing web-based ...