. Artist Profile

Lindsay Howard

Rotting fruit, dribbling bodies, and sculpture as poetry.

Yin Ho

Jim Sanborn's cryptographic sculptures, pieces on atomic energy, and large-scale projections might already seem ...

Jason Huff

Signal Path is a site-specific sound installation for one performer. Sensors monitor eight electroencephalographic signals ...

Joanne McNeil

The difficulty in making work now is that there’s this model of how a ...

Jason Huff

In addition to Light Industry's recent restaging of Anthony McCall's 1975 Long Film ...


Cao Fei "Play Time" at Lombard Freid Projects: Play Time Fingerboard Park Installation, 2011

Karen Archey

As an artistic entity, Keller and Kosmas essentially grew up online, and for better or ...

Ceci Moss

1. Glowing RectanglesFor all the diversity of the contemporary media ecology - network, broadcast, games, mobile ...