Ceci Moss

Networked art non profit Turbulence announced two new (sound-related) commissions yesterday - WWW-Enabled Noise Toy by ...

Ceci Moss

I had the opportunity to drop by LoVid's (Tali Hinkis and Kyle Lapidus) studio ...

Greg J. Smith

Many scholars within the field of media archaeology opt to focus on the backstory behind ...

Ceci Moss

In this clip, Motherboard.tv speak with Joan Heemskerk and Dirk Paesmans of the legendary ...

Nick Hasty

Loud Objects Noise Toy Nick Hasty is Rhizome's Director of Technology

John Michael Boling

printed circuit board, wire, components, LEDs (4.5" x 14.5") "I found a way ...

John Michael Boling

Technically, the work is executed as an add-on for the Web browser Firefox (v. 2 ...

John Michael Boling

With recent mistakes by companies and organizations not knowing how to properly censor online documents ...

John Michael Boling

Tumbarumba is a frolic of intrusions—a conceptual artwork in the form of a Firefox ...

Ceci Moss

China Channel Screencast from Evan Roth on Vimeo.

Ceci Moss

This is a simple mod I did of the old Japanese famicom driving game F1 ...