Nat Roe

It's ironic that Jin Sangtae learned computer repair working at a mammoth South Korean ...

Ceci Moss

This is a series of digital photographs of sunsets altered by a controlled download error ...

Ceci Moss

Created by Kim Asendorf, asdfbmp is a pixel art generator app for iPhone and iPod ...

Tom McCormack

In the inverted world of glitch art, functionality is just a sterile enclosure of creative ...

Ceci Moss

In this clip, Nicholas O'Brien interviews via tinychat the organizers behind the gli.ct ...

Ceci Moss

noteNdo Live at Blip Festival 2008 Homebrew Electronics is a new series on the Rhizome ...

Ceci Moss

Gijs Gieskes, Eye I would like to consider a notion that I have felt was ...

Greg J. Smith

Many scholars within the field of media archaeology opt to focus on the backstory behind ...

Ceci Moss

Borna Sammak's debut solo show "Best Buy" took place last night for an exclusive ...