Ceci Moss

Les 400 Clicks is a multimedia project referencing Francois Truffaut's 1959 French New Wave ...

Ceci Moss

Here are pyrotechnics of the keyboard, but with only a camera to "play the tune ...

Ceci Moss

Netmage 11, an international live media festival which takes place in January 2011 in Bologna ...

John Michael Boling

Displacements is an immersive film installation. An archetypal Americana living room was installed in an ...

Jacob Gaboury

[Plaster cast heads, video projection.] While influenced by the technique of other video artist's ...

Jacob Gaboury

    The Dying Gauls are plaster casts of Hellenistic sculptures on which video interviews of young ...

Ceci Moss

Networked art non profit Turbulence announced two new (sound-related) commissions yesterday - WWW-Enabled Noise Toy by ...

Karen Archey

What has happened to “underground” film after the advent of Netflix, file-sharing and the Internet ...

Ceci Moss

Video artist and community access television personality Jaime Davidovich will host Adventures of the Avant-Garde ...

Kevin McGarry

From April 7 to 11, during the closing days of the 2010 Images Festival, Toronto ...