Karen Archey

What has happened to “underground” film after the advent of Netflix, file-sharing and the Internet ...

Ceci Moss

Customs form from David Horvitz's Mail Nothing to the Tate Modern Rhizome will be ...


Rhizome will be participating in this year's No Soul For Sale: A Festival of ...

Ceci Moss

Pixelache, Helsinki's electronic arts festival, is seeking proposals for both their project (installation/performance ...

Ceci Moss

Poster for Noise Not Noise, 2010 (Image: Andy Gilmore) Vancouver-ans will be noising it up ...

Ceci Moss

Canadian sound art festival send + receive have extended the deadline for submissions to March 5 ...

Brian Droitcour

The stage at St. Petersburg's Sergey Kuryokhin Modern Art Center was set for a ...

Lauren Cornell

Cover of William Gibson's novel Neuromancer Scheduled for its New York premiere this Sunday ...

Ceci Moss

Performa, New York's super duper mega whirlwind performance biennial, will take over the city ...

Ceci Moss

While combing through the tables and displays set up by artists, book publishers, periodicals, small ...

Peter Merrington

Image: Abandon Normal Devices logo The debut Abandon Normal Devices (AND) launched in the North ...

Ed Halter

Image: Candice Breitz, Factum Kang, 2009. Candice Breitz’s current exhibition "Candice Breitz: Same Same ...