John Michael Boling

Video from 1987 depicting early digital image editing techniques in the Soviet Union using rotary ...

Ceci Moss

This is a series of digital photographs of sunsets altered by a controlled download error ...

Ceci Moss

[Source: Artist's site] [Source: We Make Money Not Art] In this work Wim Janssen ...

Ceci Moss

The Retrospectroscope was made using a single sheet of Plexiglas 5 ft. in diameter, and ...

Tom McCormack

In the inverted world of glitch art, functionality is just a sterile enclosure of creative ...

Ceci Moss

Painting the entire gallery a uniform bright green, Guidetti employs an unfixed/in-flux context created ...

Ceci Moss

seasight seats (2007) from the series "Removed Landscapes"

Ceci Moss

GreenScreen (extrActor) (2005) is a greenscreen made of hydroponically grown grass which allows the viewers ...