Ceci Moss

This video explores the themes of dispossession and repression. It was produced using sequences broadcast ...

Ceci Moss

The Future of Art was shot from the 1st through the 6th of February 2011 ...

Brian Droitcour

4 channel video installation based on YouTube material made by individuals filming themselves in Egypt ...

Ceci Moss

"oops" || appropriated digital video || 2009 || concept by Billy Rennekamp Somewhere between a home-video mixtape and ...

Ceci Moss

I came across these videos via WMMNA. These talks were taped during the symposium The ...

Ceci Moss

Hackers Trailer Next week, on October 14th at 6pm, Laurel Ptak of photography blog iheartphotograph ...

Jeanne Gerrity

The first physical art work that you encounter when entering “Trust: Media City Seoul,” the ...

Michael Connor

This disjunct between reality and its illusory other, the world of privileged consumerism, was at ...

Karen Archey

What has happened to “underground” film after the advent of Netflix, file-sharing and the Internet ...