Tyler Coburn

For "Monitor," at New York's Claire Oliver, Brooklyn-based artist Noah Fischer produces a refreshingly ...

Marisa Olson

Way back before most people had even heard of new media art, one publication (a ...

Ed Halter

Indie gaming has been the hot topic in the videogame world in 2008, but even ...

Marisa Olson

Those three words are the declaration of Manuel Buerger, a young German artist whose practice ...

Marisa Olson

Cat Mazza is a practitioner of what sociologist Betsy Greer has called "craftivism." She's ...

Tyler Coburn

Proof against the claim of declining handyman skills in younger generations of Americans, this weekend ...

Marisa Olson

The spirit of D-I-Y is one widely embraced by activists. Not to bracket the importance ...

Marisa Olson

Pioneering internet artist Olia Lialina has written about the fact that most of the web ...

Ed Halter

Bearing a deceptively straightforward name, The Thursday Club at Goldsmiths College, University of London plays ...