. Net Art Anthology

Lola Martinez

Miao Ying in conversation with Lola Martinez about her work 'Blind Spot' (2007).

Maura Lucking

Using data pulled hourly from the National Digital Forecast Database. The Wind Project site saw ...

Maura Lucking

Joanne McNeil

Barricelli experiment recreated with Processing by Galloway. Barricelli’s visualization technique has been altered—color ...

Jason Huff

5 Million Dollars 1 Terrabyte (2011) is a sculpture consisting of a 1 TB Black ...

Nat Roe

George Tzanetakis uses math to classify music libraries. As all music becomes available online, can ...


Nicholas Felton spends much of his time thinking about data, charts and our daily routines ...

Drew Hemment and Kevin Smith

MIT SENSEable City Lab: Borderline

Ceci Moss

The content of the Pure Data application is read as pure data into sound and ...

Ceci Moss

Why the Earth is Green, 2010 The exhibition focuses on large-scale landscape paintings whose topographies ...