Jacob Gaboury

Ultra-red is an activist art group founded in 1994. The group proposes an alternate model ...

Ceci Moss

Several years ago, forward thinking Sony/BMG created a new form of music by creating ...

Thomas Bey William Bailey

The concept of networked art, or art which relies on exchange and collaboration across great ...

Ceci Moss

Max Neuhaus, drawing for Time Piece Beacon, 2005. © 2005 Max Neuhaus. Photo: Cathy Carver In ...

Geeta Dayal

Music is analyzed and discussed using tools from many different fields - history, musicology, and sociology ...

John Michael Boling

This software randomly generates house music using the number pi. Pi is the ratio of ...

Ceci Moss

Rhizome-commissioned artist Tristan Perich celebrates the release of his 1-Bit Symphony on Cantaloupe tonight at ...

Robin Peckham

The exhibition "Resonance" was initiated in early 2010 as an experiment in the conceptual underpinnings ...

Ceci Moss

Networked art non profit Turbulence announced two new (sound-related) commissions yesterday - WWW-Enabled Noise Toy by ...

Tim Stutts

"Driving through Iceland” sketch by dotlassie. Winner of Rhizome's Tiny Sketch Competition. OpenProcessing.org ...

Ceci Moss

I had the chance this week to speak with Carey Lovelace and Sharon Kanach, the ...