Javier Fresneda

Our attention is not focused on a singular image, but is distributed along the image ...

Timothy P. A. Cooper

On the aesthetics of the video CD.


A series of afternoon talks as part of the ICA's Frieze-week program at The ...

Ceci Moss

A consciously derivative work, The Resurrection of Piss Christ is a direct response to the ...

Lisa Dent

An interview with curator James Voorhies, who is the Director and Chief Curator of Bureau ...

Ceci Moss

Found image for Jibade-Khalil Huffman's project Curated by Leah Beeferman and Matthew Harvey, Parallelograms ...

Ceci Moss

The thorn lodged in your swollen thumb is matter; the thought lodged in your mind ...

Ceci Moss

This PDF is to serve as an extended statement of artistic purpose and critique of ...

Ceci Moss

Petra Cortright, vvebcam (still), 2007; high-definition digital video; 1 minute 41 seconds; ed. of 3 ...

Ceci Moss

This is a series of digital photographs of sunsets altered by a controlled download error ...