. Artist Profile

Jacob Gaboury

"I venture to describe our work as a temper tantrum of two people living with ...

Clement Valla and A.E. Benenson

A new video work considers the archaeology of digital artifacts.

Prosthetic Knowledge

In 2013, the Oculus Rift reignited interest in virtual reality.

. Artist Profile

Harry Burke

"I find using technology to critique a problem more interesting than having a technological solution."

Prosthetic Knowledge

"The photograph will no longer be flat." A look at the future of digital imaging.

Daniel Rourke

Glitch aesthetics meets the Cartoon Network.

Prosthetic Knowledge

Sample from Animated GIF in 3D

Clement Valla

I collect Google Earth images. I discovered them by accident, these particularly strange snapshots, where ...

Ceci Moss

Watercolor on canvas with animated digital projection; Approx 3 hour loop [VIDEO] LINK »

Ceci Moss

Grafikdemo is a physical wireframe model of a teapot inside a Commodore CBM cabinet. The ...