A Studio Visit with LoVid
LoVid (Tali Hinkis and Kyle Lapidus) wearing Coat of Embrace, a wearable A/V synthesizer

I had the opportunity to drop by LoVid's (Tali Hinkis and Kyle Lapidus) studio at Smack Mellon in DUMBO this week, where they were awarded space for the 2009 cycle of their Artist Studio Program. In their work, LoVid hack and manipulate video in a myriad of ways -- sewing it into quilts, melding it with resin and foam core to make 3D sculptures, integrating live video feeds into the body of other sculptures, altering it in live performance, or weaving the electric wires that transmit video signals into large textiles. Their practice brings the elemental technologies behind video to the fore, while also emphasizing the interactive systems that trigger them. The below photo essay provides a small preview to some of their recent and older works. To see everything they've been up to, be sure to stop by Smack Mellon's Open Studios on Saturday March 20th from 12-6pm, when LoVid will open up their workspace to the public.

Valleys and Temporary Light on the left, LoVid block print on right

Freedom Confined

LoVid's desk area

Crowdsourced woven wire sculpture created as part of NetWork, a Wirefull Interventions Installation at Urbis, Manchester UK

LoVid's handmade A/V synthesizer, the Sync Armonica

Deep Blue Tube, chess videos sourced from YouTube displayed on a hacked CRT computer monitor emitting only blue light

Tinge Set, a collage of video stills on transparency film

Still from the 486 Shorts DVD on Analogous Projects

Family Ties, sculpture made from video fabric, resin, foam core