P.S.1's Studio Visit
Joy Garnett's Studio from Studio Visit

Long Island City's contemporary art center P.S.1 recently launched Studio Visit - a space for New York area artists to share a "virtual presentation" of their studio with a short artist's statement and bio. Imagine a DIY version of the Selby or Fecal Face's Studio Visits series. Like these sites, it taps into the reader's voyeuristic curiosity to see a side of the artist's process perhaps not immediately apparent in their output. The aim of Studio Visit is to promote visibility for these artists, cultivate a locally focused network and, one would assume, solicit offline studio visits as well. The initiative is in keeping with the institution's past "Greater New York" exhibition, which spotlighted work from emerging New York area artists with great breadth and success. However, like any new website, it looks like they're still sorting out the kinks. It would be helpful if they could add an RSS feed for recent submissions, so visitors don't need to check back to the site. I also noticed that quite a few artists ignored the fields in the submission form requesting photos of the interior and exterior of their studios -- it might be wise to require that as part of the process, especially if showcasing one's studio is a primary purpose of the site.