. Net Aesthetics

Dan Ward

How can we produce images of algorithms, networks, and data?

Jacob Gaboury

In "Insect Media" (University of Minnesota Press, 2010), Jussi Parikka traces an archaeology of non-human ...

Natalie Saltiel

JODI, GEOGOO, 2008-2011 ongoing, screenshot. (From Foxy Productions) “Highways Connect and Divide,” an exhibition on ...

Ben Fino-Radin

OPEN INTERNET from aram bartholl on Vimeo.

Greg J. Smith

A review of Vito Campanelli's new book Web Aesthetics: How Digital Media Affect Culture ...

Ceci Moss

For Constant Dullaart the Internet serves as a medium as well as a subject of ...

Joshua Noble

An interview with artist Zach Gage, who critically engages the nature of data within the ...

Ceci Moss

The Future of Art was shot from the 1st through the 6th of February 2011 ...

Ceci Moss

Throughout the 1990s, digital computing and network technologies were largely employed in office work, their ...

Thomas Bey William Bailey

But what, exactly, was "post-industrial music"? With the folding of Throbbing Gristle's Industrial Records ...

Domenico Quaranta

The following excerpt comes from the final chapter of my book Media, New Media, Postmedia ...

Ceci Moss

In 1993 Howard Rheingold wrote a remarkable book called The Virtual Community. In this book ...