Prepare for Overload
Video: Ray Sweeten, Altercations (Excerpts), 2007

Issue Project Room will host two video performances by San Francisco artist Nate Boyce and New York's own Ray Sweeten this Friday September 4th. Boyce will be showing all new work, some of which was developed for a recent exhibition at Partisan Gallery, a space based in Chris Fallon's apartment in San Francisco. I caught the closing party for the Partisan show last week, and took some shots of the installation, below. Boyce's work has long been informed by an interest in the manipulation of human perception through the moving image, but his new videos operate much like subliminal advertising, where letters flash in between short, jarring segments. Sweeten's work, which often integrates the use of an oscilloscope, can be equally overpowering. For Friday, bring earplugs, shades advised.

Image: Nate Boyce, Installation from "New Work" at Partisan Gallery, Summer 2009

Image: Nate Boyce, Installation from "New Work" at Partisan Gallery, Summer 2009