. First Look

Celine Wong Katzman

Alex Freundlich, Camille Klein, and Jeffrey Scudder perform "The Longest Whistlegraph Ever"

. Net Art Anthology

Michael Connor

Tyler Coburn on the content farmer in crisis from ‘I’m that angel’

. Net Art Anthology

Armin Medosch

This essay by the late Armin Medosch was originally published in Telepolis on August 9 ...

. sevenonseven

Claire L. Evans

SVS, made at 7x7 2016, is both a play and a kind of bias test.

Michael Connor

"It unfolded in lame time." On Cheryl Donegan's 1997 HTML artwork.

Michael Connor

Mouchette's Private Encounter is featured in a front page exhibition on Rhizome.org.

Sofia Leiby & Jaakko Pallasvuo

Art is a role-playing game.

Harry Burke

New online poetry works, every Monday through April 6.

Michael Connor

Revisiting the work of an Argentine poet who thought of written language as performance.

Rob Horning and Amalia Ulman

"Authenticity grounded in artless spontaneity...can be replaced by authenticity which is constituted by strategy ...

Michael Connor

A five-month social media performance inspired by extreme makeover culture.