A Machine Project Field Guide to LACMA Tomorrow

Machine Project's Mark Allen discussed their massive undertaking in an interview Rhizome published last week, but in case you missed it, this Los Angeles interdisciplinary non-profit arts organization will be taking over LACMA tomorrow for a full 10 hours. With over 60 separate projects, the program is ridiculously elaborate, so I suggest you view the full schedule here. Let's see...the Center for Tactical Magic will exhibit their wand collection, Lewis Keller will do live remixes of LACMA's air conditioning system, Walter Kitundu and Robin Sukhadia will play tabla within Richard Serra's sculpture, one workshop will invite visitors to make replicas from the Classical sculpture collection using the museum's trash, while another will crochet birds to accompany Chris Burden's Urban Light....This is going to be awesome. I mean, a few weeks ago they were auditioning for the "ultimate black/speed/grind/doom metal guitarist" to perform hourly under a gothic arch viewable from LACMA for the project. Seriously -- so cool! I wanna go!

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