"In ten years or so we'll leak the truth… But by then it's only so much paper." - Dead Kennedys, 1982
a hyperlinked remix of found images as portals landscapes of subterfuge resources for revelation archives of media spin disinformation government secrets conspiracy theories self-propagating myths and news.
tra-jec-to-ry (tra-jek'to-ri), n. [ pl. -ries (-riz)], the curve described by a body moving through space, as the path of a bullet discharged from a gun: Geom., the curve or surface that cuts all the curves or surfaces of a given system at a fixed angle…..
ciclo _las ceremonias del fuego: fallas y arte publico_ + intervencion efimera _mirinda_
ciclo::::::::::::::::::::::::las ceremonias del fuego: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::fallas y arte publico
patrocinio:::::::::::::::::::cam (caja del mediterraneo)
direccion::::::::::::::::::::nilo casares
fecha::::::::::::::::::::::::07, 14 y 24.06.2002
sala:::::::::::::::::::::::::aula de cultura cam :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::pza. del mercado, 4 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::46002- valencia :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::t: 963913396
06.06.2001 - 06.06.2002 Skyscraper is a neverending, permanent growing web based project celebrates its first birthday. With 191 floor it is the biggest virtual building in the world. It lets your dreams become reality to proper your own space in a skyscraper. There is no requirement to ...
I'm up watching your film. Turn to the part where Ezekiel is talking about his mother going to the grave and praying. Right after the joke about Sadaam Hussein, listen to the Coltrane riff in the background.