Yann Le Guennec

Member Since January 1, 1996

Yann Le Guennec is a visual artist, born 1968 in Brittany, France, where he lives and works.He holds a Master Degree in Fine Arts from ESA Lorient. He was cofounder and worked for x-arn from 1998 to 2003. He teached at L'École de design Nantes Atlantique from 2001 to 2010.His current artistic work is based on simple instructions that involve geometric compositions. These instructions are carried out in the form of photographs of arrangements made with available objects and materials in his local environment, and / or digital pictures modified by online softwares. These softwares use available data, mainly the IP addresses of devices that connected to his website.The set of generated pictures constitutes a visual research on the existence of margins of freedom and action within a defined framework of rules and constraints. While in the extension of conceptual practices like those from Sol LeWitt, Claude Rutault, or algorithmic visual games from François Morellet, the various embodiments are an exploration of possible contexts allowing the existence of a contemporary art practice, mixing analog and digital, included in some banality of an everyday life that is not devoid of poetry.Selected group exhibitions2009 - TOOL BOX (as part of the exhibition ‘Urban Ping Pong’ curated by Emmanuel Ropers). Galerie Fernand Leger. Centre d'art contemporain d'Ivry, France.2009 - Si j’avais un marteau!, base d'Appui d'Entre-deux, Nantes, France.2008 - TOOL BOX. Commissariat: Jacques Rivet, Marie-Laure Viale, Ghislain Mollet-Viéville et Christian Ruby. base d'Appui d'Entre-deux, Nantes, France. 2007 - The Latency of the Moving Image in New Media. Curated by Eduardo Navas. Telic Arts Exchange, Los Angeles, USASelected publication« Metaphor of the Merchant’s Table », /seconds, issue 10: 03/2009. ISSN 1751-4134. Useless Beauty and Fuzzy Logic: correlations of violence.http://www.slashseconds.org/issues/003/002/articles/yleguennec/Selected bibliography Barker, Tim. "Error, the Unforeseen, and the Emergent: The Error and Interactive Media Art." M/C Journal 10.5 (2007). 21 Jun. 2010 http://journal.media-culture.org.au/0710/03-barker.php
Sept. 3 2009 12:47 on Eleven Evocations (For Paper Rad)

Hello, first picture in this article makes me think about 'poietic aggregator' http://rhizome.org/editorial/fp/reblog.php/1215 installed as stained glass. now looking fwd to some new ...
April 30 2008 18:33 on The Wrath of Math

JODI's account … hum , u mean JODI's account…. jodi.com or ….what else ? may be … http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jodi … or may be…. hum some students ...
April 4 2008 17:37 on From Here to There

nice stuff, enjoyed the stream
April 4 2008 05:35 on The Rematerialization of Art

"obtain the largest visibility with the minimal effort" is the motto of 0100101110101101.org from the beginning. Nikeground project for example is part of this intention, the anti-capitalism one might ...
April 3 2008 14:50 on The Rematerialization of Art

Begin Google translation: The most curious in this story is that adopting some formal standards of contemporary art to integrate the art market existing digital practices presented in this expo ...