Will Brand

Member Since April 25, 2011

"For me the review wasn't about if the show was good or bad, it was about what it meant both for the new media art community and within the broader ...
I didn't tell Jacob anything, other than what it seemed like to me. I never said anything was true other than my impression. In any case, if you're so uninterested ...
Also, just to head this off yet again, more direct reference to the bowling alley would not necessitate a more simplistic work of art; exactly the opposite. 60" lanes are ...

-Firstly, you're assuming "my criteria" for good communication involves some sort of simplicity of message: "buy a car!" or "drugs are bad!", the messages of advertising and ...
Yeaaaaaah. You got me. Rereading that, it's nonsense and I was trying too hard to have a "but": demonstration of two views as a signifier of balance and fairness of ...
Beat the Champ: I'm actually not sure if this paragraph was supposed to be a rebuttal. It looks more like a description. Yes, Beat the Champ "collapses three spaces of ...
"This show marks a huge moment for the world of art and technology. Regardless of your opinion of Arcangel's work, this kind of institutional recognition is a promising shift for ...