Tracky Birthday

Member Since May 12, 2008

Two years ago I wrote Kev an email asking if he was going to release any new music. Turned out I had just missed the release – and deletion – of his ...
HA! it was only a matter of time until some person makes a good series with those laser etched glass cubes. been meaning to do something "rad" with them forever… ...
March 17 2010 04:30 on Free, Bird

Indeed, artwork by Amandinde Urruty :)
love it. mbs is the best. i remember when this piece sparked a nice discussion at a rhizome event between him and i :)
Nov. 19 2009 04:48 on Perma Deluxe

i loved delux paint! that was my first program on my amiga. very nice post!
one of my all time favorites
weird. at home it didnt work, the url was repeated 3 times.
broken link
Feb. 26 2009 17:34 on General Web Content

broken link! pasted it twice i guess…
that screenshot LOL
Sept. 4 2008 10:13 on Interview with Kevin Bewersdorf

what does Kevin think of does he have an account?
July 22 2008 13:34 on Fun Is Back

those germans are whack man!