Theresa Ramseyer

Member Since May 24, 2003

Hello :) I live in SW MO, USA. I share a house with my Mom, and a few cats. I am learning about art. I am definitely a beginner in creating any of it. I am interested in discovering, seeing, discussing, and studying the multitude types of art. There are so many interesting things here :). Theresa
March 20 2014 14:19 on The Commenter: A Lament

Sorry for the typos.
March 20 2014 14:17 on The Commenter: A Lament

Rhizome was the first net art place I found almost 2 decades ago. I come back occasionally, and have a soft spot for it, but it hasn't fulfilled it's promise ...
March 20 2014 14:06 on The Commenter: A Lament

Finally, I have no idea who the current superstars are; I happened to glob onto Mr. Sondheim at Futherfield. I look for him first now. Who was/is important in ...
March 20 2014 13:55 on The Commenter: A Lament

Where, Michael and Zach, do you want us to go? I'm serious. Put a stickey on the forum and give some direction. Netbehaviour? Wryting-L? Cybermind? I found these on my ...
March 20 2014 13:48 on The Commenter: A Lament

Rhizome becomes only a springboard; somewhere to check if I feel like it, and quickly move on if there's nothing to capture me up front. If I do comment or ...
March 20 2014 13:39 on The Commenter: A Lament

I do get the lists. I'm way behind on reading, partly because I can lose track of time so easily while reading and watching and following links. I find much ...
March 20 2014 13:30 on The Commenter: A Lament

This is why every time I consider donating/subscribing to rhizome, my money goes somewhere else. There is very little to no community on rhizome. Geographically, I can't just "drop ...
April 19 2013 22:04 on Breaking the Ice

(I hope this doesn't post 3 times, since this is the third time I have tried.)


I get Rhizome's emails, but don't get out to the site much, so ...