Stewart Dickson

Member Since July 26, 2010

Stewart Dickson has been a programmer of three-dimensional computer-generated imagery, animation and digital cinema since 1984. He was a founding member of the International Sculpture Center (ISC) Computers and Sculptors Forum in 1992. He was a founding member of INTERSCULPT, Paris in 1993. Mr. Dickson was an Artist in Residence at the Banff Center for the Arts "Art and Virtual Environrments Programme" in 1992 and 1994. He has worked at The Post Group, Walt Disney Feature Animation, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the NOAA National Climatic Data Center, The Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology and Wolfram Research, Inc. Mr. Dickson has exhibited, lectured and published internationally.
Nov. 2 2012 13:09 on 3D Printed Weaponry

I might add, the primary problem on this page might be PARANOIA. Who is going to protect you from WHOM? Who is the "enemy" anyway?
Nov. 2 2012 12:47 on 3D Printed Weaponry

Well, actually, this is nothing new – See the "Anarchist's Cookbook". (1971) A reaction from the Hackerspace Community to the Wiki Weapon is, "You just have to count on you ...