steven streight

Member Since November 5, 2007 composer. Film maker. Music video director. Digital artist. Social media specialist. Web usability analyst. Pacifist.
Dec. 16 2010 03:56 on Dark Green (2010) - Jacob Ciocci

Really great sound vectors and motioned imagery. I was caught up in this like downtown.
Dec. 16 2010 03:44 on Required Reading

I love Artforum but I'm so bored to see a photo of an artist in his or her studio. If you really like the artist it may have some sentimental ...
March 24 2010 13:36 on Free, Bird

I"ve been a big fan of WM (Weirdo Music) Recordings for years now. I especially am fond of Zloty Dawai, Roy "Chicky" Arad, Chenard Walker, Datapanik, Jan Turkenberg, Rene Vis ...
"minimalist robots, dancing" (or swaying) would've been my title for this. creepy actually…
Hey Jason, how's it hangin'? I'm having trouble finding Alan Vega & Oneida live show on FMA. Free Music Archive is a really great collection of free mp3s by some ...
Aug. 31 2009 18:05 on General Web Content

Thanks for sharing these. I checked them all out. I like them.
Aug. 20 2009 11:59 on General Web Content

Very cool. We need art like this. I Twittered the link to this article. How do you remove the vocals from a music video?
Aug. 20 2009 11:33 on Dancing Machines

I like all this mashup mixology prevailing in universal internet culture blurring the line between artist and art lover which was never really there anyhow except in our mental tainting ...
I am honored to have a Str8 Sounds page here on Rhizome and knowing that Ryan Trecartin is featured here too.
I'm a huge fan of Ryan Trecartin and Twitter links to his videos on YouTube and articles on Artforum. Love the color and sound dynamics plus the great use and ...
June 12 2009 04:59 on General Web Content

I once saw an ad for paperclips in an office supply catalog. It was funny seeing how the copywriter had to struggle with saying something unique and compelling about a ...