Salvatore Iaconesi

Member Since June 12, 2004

Salvatore Iaconesi is an interaction designer, robotics engineer, artist, hacker. TED Fellow 2012 and Eisenhower Fellow since 2013.He currently teaches Interaction Design and cross-media practices at the Faculty of Architecture of the “La Sapienza” University of Rome, at ISIA Design Florence, at the Rome University of Fine Arts and at the IED Design institute.He produced videogames, artificial intelligences, expert systems dedicated to business and scientific research, entertainment systems, mobile ecosystems, interactive architectures, cross-medial publications, augmented reality systems, and experiences and applications dedicated to providing products, services and practices to human beings all over the world, enabled by technologies, networks and new metaphors of interactions, across cultures and languages.His artworks and performances have been featured worldwide at festivals and conferences.Salvatore actively participates to global discussions and actions on the themes of freedoms, new forms of expression and on the future scenarios of our planet from the points of view of energy, environment, multi-cultural societies, gender mutation, sustainability and innovation on both society and business, collaborating with institutions, enterprises and international research groups.
May 1 2012 05:34 on Mapping the Social

these kinds of projects are really interesting, but they need to be taken with special care: digital divide/inclusion and issues related to multiculturalism must be seriously taken into account ...

tactic, but demanding!
i was actually waiting for a response from them!

it would be interesting: as you know REFF is turning out to be an incredble action, hijacking the ...
you've got a point marc!

let us be optimistic: maybe they didn't notice as they were too busy participating to the RomaEuropaFAKEFactory competition and critical process? ;) ...
Feb. 18 2009 05:43 on Wikipedia Art

it's interesting, but isn't all of this a little too pumped up?
it is nothing different that street art, even in the idea of continuous evolution (with graffiti artists having ...
April 11 2008 18:42 on The Rematerialization of Art

We did a project a few years ago. It was called "MakingALivingWithNewMediaArts".
It involved us (me and Oriana Persico) trying to establish a barter-economy for ourselves: new media artifacts vs ...
April 3 2008 15:26 on The Rematerialization of Art

since we are talking "contemporary", we might add that wether to make or not paintings or pictures or sculptures of things is not exactly the point.

"the point" possibly shifts ...
April 3 2008 13:04 on The Rematerialization of Art

"3. Computercentric art has not been accepted into the mainstream and won't be as long as shows are only "about" packaging/marketing. We need more than that to be inspired ...
Jan. 28 2008 08:06 on A Year in the Life

the theories expressed are quite interesting.

the only problem i find in them is on their western-world centeredness.

all of the issues assessed place their focus on europe and US ...