Rui Filipe Antunes

Member Since April 4, 2006

Phd candidate in Arts and Computational Technologies at Goldsmiths, University of London. The research on Art and Artificial Intelligence: Ecosystems in Virtual Worlds is sponsored by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia from Portugal.His work has been awarded twice in the VIDA competition of art and artificial intelligence (editions 12th and 13th ) and features in a number of publications such as Preble's Artforms or the Journal of Virtual Worlds. A large number of curatorial projects and shows have included his work in the last ten years, including in 2010: Post Human/Future Tense, at the Arcade Gallery, in Chicago; FILE 2010 – Media Arte, São Paulo, Brasil; or {S0NiK} Fest, BronxArtSpace, NY. In 2009 his work featured in the exhibition Lá Fora, in Lisbon, a perspective of historical and contemporary art by portuguese living abroad.Has taught multimedia and computing in Portugal for ten years. Currently he is a visiting lecturer at the City University and the University of Greenwich in London.
Did you see the work? I read it a statement of eating Duchamp metaphorically.
Duchamp series from Alivelife:
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Duchamp series from Alivelife:
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