Rhea Myers

Vancouver, BC, Canada β€”

Member Since May 4, 2003


"Now make art with it." So I did. This has meant blockchain art since 2014. 😺
A wonderful project but using Maya and Unity rather than e.g. Blender and WebGL or Ogre (or OpenSim, or…) then releasing the artwork as a video rather than as ...
March 19 2014 15:10 on The Commenter: A Lament

"I still feel a twinge of regret over the decline of commenting culture on good ol' Rhizome.org"

http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091107145054/wowwiki/images/6/69/Brown_Skeletal_Horse.jpg ...
I'm biased obviously but there's some good stuff in here, thanks. ;-)

I reviewed _MON3Y AS AN 3RRROR here -


And I then reviewed my ...
Nov. 12 2013 18:44 on Art Criticism in the Age of Yelp


"Book and film reviews have been reduced to individual data points on aggregator web sites as print journalism collapses. It’s only a ...

From: Heather Corcoran
Sent: 03 June 2013 18:28
To: Sabine Unamun
Subject: Re: Rhizome GftA app

Great ok will do - sorry one ...
April 24 2013 08:15 on Breaking the Ice

"Netart doesn't make sense in ten-year-old list serve terms, or veteran websites still clinging on to their 227 page archives. It makes sense now and only now"

Did IQs drop ...
April 22 2013 05:40 on #7on7HTC: Liveblog Part II

For those of you who want to 3D print a balloon dog, here's one I made earlier. I say "made"… -

I held of on reading this until I (finally…) finished my own review of Decode.

Some of the works were out of order when I visited as well. ;-)

I think ...
The MIT AI Lab pizza command meets Rirkrit Tiravanija .
The question of how to get more discussion on the boards is, in my opinion, the wrong one. If Rhizome is serious about wanting discussion, re-instate raw as a mailing ...
Now I really I wish I could get to see that show.

I don't think the topics are meant to be Canadian, I think it's the responses. And they are ...
There were a couple of great threads about this on CRUMB -


I wish Rhizome had a mailing list for that ...
Sept. 26 2008 18:27 on Free Play

A pro-commons game under a NonCommercial license?

July 30 2008 15:27 on A Feast for Your Eyezz

newer work seems to be largely about running around and exploring those environments, then generating responses.

In a way that JODI's 404 wasn't? ;-)
Good post. No comments allowed though, so…

I moved off Mac a while ago and now use Ubuntu GNU/Linux. The software is more than good enough to do what ...
This web interface is killing the conversation for starters. It's soooo much effort to log in just to respond to an email.
April 16 2008 04:27 on Brush-off

I am not "nit picking".

The scale is unimportant. Pop blows things up, that was 1/3 of Warhol's toolbox. Nesbitt's imagery and apparent technique were my point of reference ...
April 15 2008 10:42 on Brush-off

"Relational Aesthetics" argues that the techniques of traditional media are required to give critical distance when depicting digital content. Julian Opie's "Imagine…" series achieved this in the early 1990s. It's ...
April 4 2008 06:34 on The Rematerialization of Art

Selling new media art may not seem radical to Rhizomers. But in the broader artworld "there are new media artists who are actually selling" is a point well worth making ...