Patrick May

Member Since October 10, 2002

Patrick May is a programmer and painter. He founded the artist collective Open Ground and was the Director of Technology at from 2006-2008.May received a BS in Studio Art from New York University in 1999. His work has been exhibited in New York, Miami, and Berlin, including Maiden Brooklyn, ZONE: Chelsea Center for the Arts, and the Galerie Scherer 8. He currently works in Brooklyn, NY creating intimate portraits of his friends and family.
Jan. 9 2011 00:44 on Ch-ch-changes

JMB – you did a great job. Thanks very much. And congratulations to Zoe!
From a technical pov Photoshop's content aware fill is amazing.

There's a nice irony in making these ghostly redactions from the original heroic hardware shots.
Nov. 23 2009 11:14 on Required Reading

An in-game illustration of similar issues can be found in Portal. The game skewers the romanticization of military research by casting the player as the test subject of a homicidal ...

There was a bug with the "login" form on the voting tool. Basically, if one was not logged in then it did not render properly. That's why it worked ...
April 8 2008 18:08 on The Rematerialization of Art

I've removed the extra posts, and added a touch more double-posting protection.

If you reload after posting, it had posted twice but shouldn't anymore. It's a bit delicate to find ...
April 8 2008 12:36 on Brush-off

"Hawaiian-shirted IT dudes"

Ouch, that sounds like me!
April 3 2008 13:42 on The Rematerialization of Art

Fixed, thanks.
Nov. 15 2007 17:11 on The Revolution Will Not Be Mapped

Thanks for the heads up, we fixed the post and alerted the editorial department.