Patricia Ryans

Member Since October 14, 2009

I have been using PCs and notebooks, for sometime now. My fav is of course the notebook as it is very mobile, keeping in line with my Bohemian lifestyle. It was actually a friend who got me started in computers, otherwise I was pretty much the old fashioned pen-and-paper gal, so to speak! Getting good quality softwares and utilities for PC security is not an easy task, as I have lately discovered. There are more bad stuff than good, and I have made it a mission of my life to make people aware of both!While MS Windows remains my favorite platform for Desktop-based PCs, as well as notebooks, it is Linux that I prefer when it comes to web servers. Linux is not only free and open source but also very robust! In fact, it has an equally robust and active community of developers behind it!Thank you.
Oct. 14 2009 20:37 on Wikipedia Art

Well to be honest, I don't rely too much on Wikipedia esp. when I need some solid research. If anyone can easily add and delete an article, and if someone ...