Nick Briz

Member Since October 30, 2008

Nick Briz is a new-media artist, educator, and organizer whose work has been shown internationally at festivals and institutions, including the FILE Media Arts Festival (Rio de Janeiro, BR); the Images Festival (Toronto, CA); the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago; the Museum of Moving Image (NYC); Furtherfield Gallery (London, UK); Museo De Arte Contemporaneo de Caracas (Venezuela); Miami Art Basel;
@pixlpa SO SORRY BOUT THAT!!! should have double checked local before posting >_<

@alexmyers keep the list going :D
@alexmyers, don't forget about squaresquare ( Alex Halbert + David Musgrave + Sam Mewton) [ Chicago ] who've been doing some really rad live PS2/XBox bending the last couple years [here's live footage from ...
July 1 2012 17:02 on Glitching on Tumblr

rad collection of tumblrs!
There's definitely been an explosion in the area of glitch-tumblrs the last year.

i'm not one to claim "firsts", but I feel I should give props ...
Feb. 12 2012 15:30 on My Broken iPhone

1st: luv to see these discussions in a space like rhizome + thnx for the insights joanne, you raise sum good points. I'm (slightly) ashamed to say that a cracked iPhone ...
Aug. 18 2010 20:20 on Future Crew Documentary

Critical [Glitch] Artware [Category] Demo Crew documentary:
@Blockparty & Notacon 2010

by Jon Satrom
very insightful comment Resipiscent.

Seriously, first of all totally "predictable" I mean, how many times are we going to see these solo drummers with their minimalist set-ups running through a ...
March 6 2009 10:53 on Pixel Bleed

I said different not lower. This isn’t about high art vs low art. It’s not that the artists I mentioned are “higher” but rather that they’re just ...
March 5 2009 14:28 on Pixel Bleed

I don’t think the small time gap between the “early” work and the Kanye West video is a result of “basing one's art on an effect” but rather more ...