Michelle Kasprzak

Member Since March 22, 2005

Michelle Kasprzak is a curator and writer based in Amsterdam. She is currently Curator at V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.Michelle has exhibited and lectured across North America and Europe. She has appeared in publications such as Wired UK and on radio and television broadcasts on the BBC and CBC. Most recently she has delivered lectures at Argos (Brussels), PICNIC (Amsterdam), The Lighthouse (Brighton).Following a decade of practice as a visual artist, her current focus is primarily on writing and curating. In 2006, she was awarded a curatorial research residency at the Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art in Helsinki, Finland, in 2010 she attended the Summer Seminars for Art Curators in Yerevan, Armenia, and in 2011 was a guest of the BAM International Visitor’s Programme in Flanders. In 2006, Michelle founded a leading blog on the subject of curating contemporary art, Curating.info, which was featured in the LabforCulture publication, Cultural Bloggers Interviewed. She has written critical essays for C Magazine, Volume, Spacing, CV Photo, Public, Mute, and several online journals on a wide range of subjects in the realm of contemporary culture. Her writing has appeared in anthologies and exhibition catalogues in both Canada and Europe.Michelle completed her BFA in New Media at Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario in 2000, and in 2006 completed her MA in Visual and Media Arts from the Université du Québec à Montréal, earning several scholarships over the course of her academic career. She is a member of IKT (International Association of Curators of Contemporary Art).You can find out more about Michelle's projects, talks, and essays at http://michelle.kasprzak.ca.