Michal Brzezinski

Member Since March 17, 2009

Michał Brzeziński - Artist combining software-video activities with biological material systems, futurologist of culture. His roots of the artistic activitiy have ground in music subcultures and video art. His wide, theory based, artistic and curatorial activity had animated theoretical discourse touching video-identity problem in the years 2000 to 2010 in Poland. Curator working with galleries such as the Museum of Art in Łódź, Center for Contemporary Art Łaźnia in Gdańsk, and Contemporary Art Center Bunkier Sztuki in Kraków. Referring to the conceptual art and mediated experience of recent art transforms art itself and englobe into video art, formulated the strategy describes this process as Fake Art, arising from the antimaterialistic theory of art as communication.
March 19 2011 12:28 on A Melody (1984) - Walter Verdin

i mean decade before…
March 19 2011 12:27 on A Melody (1984) - Walter Verdin

just one link and we see this a decade ago ;)
i've seen easteuropean artist making the same on vhs but without that iron maiden context. i like structural thinking. Cory I want show you in Poland - can you help me ...