Maxwell Paparella

Member Since August 19, 2010

having fun
Aug. 19 2011 00:12 on Artist Profile: Jacob Ciocci


Oct. 8 2010 00:57 on rude dude (2007) - Justin Kemp

I had the same idea three years later.
Aug. 25 2010 23:22 on Required Reading

…another collection of amateur narcissists mugging for the camera…

I guess what I'm saying is that this is the internet that I grew up with, and–curatorial transgression and "irony" aside–I ...
Aug. 23 2010 16:33 on Required Reading

I know what you mean Tom, but I still have to argue for engagement over accuracy. Relegating net art to framed documents and snapshots would seem to be a step ...
Aug. 22 2010 22:30 on Required Reading

The best artworks will have to remain embedded in that environment or consist solely of documentation that doesn't even attempt to imitate the original (as with many performance works–text and ...
Aug. 20 2010 00:36 on Cascade (2010) - Bernard Gigounon
