Marjan van Mourik

Member Since September 7, 2003

Former gallery-owner, the last ten years working as a freelance curator, artpromoter and multimedia designer-artist in the field of netart. The During the years I had an contemporary art gallery my interest moved gradually from paintings to installations and conceptual art.Then in 1994 the computer entered my life.The contradiction between limitation on the one hand, unlimited freedom and no physical borders on the other hand, created new impulses and insights to explore the possibilities of the medium. My fascination for this platform was born.I have travelled a long way obtaining the necessary technical skills,studying and experiecing the do's and the don;ts, preparing and presenting concepts of visual artists for the web. It has now become the art form for myself to express and to tell my story.The images, the words, the colours, the sounds, the motions, they're all ready there. It is like a palet with paint, a keyboard characters,covered with jpg., gif, wave, MP3,mov., doc. and other files. They're at my disposition and I will put them in a new, different context. They form the remains of my travels trough my mind, the virtual world, the real world and life.Marjan van Mourik (1958) studied art-history and multimedia.