Marisa Olson

Member Since January 1, 1996

Marisa Olson is an artist, writer, and media theorist. Her interdisciplinary work has been exhibited at the Venice Biennale, Centre Pompidou, Tate(s) Modern + Liverpool, the Nam June Paik Art Center, British Film Institute, Sundance Film Festival, PERFORMA Biennial; commissioned and collected by the Whitney Museum, Museum of Modern Art, Houston Center for Photography, Experimental Television Center, and PS122; and reviewed in Artforum, Art21, the NY Times, Liberation, Folha de Sao Paolo, the Village Voice, and elsewhere. Olson is currently Executive Director of the Digital Studies Institute at the University of Michigan & she's previously served as Editor & Curator at Rhizome, the inaugural curator at Zero1, and Associate Director at SF Camerawork. She's contributed to many major journals & books, including Arte Postinternet, a Spanish translation of her texts on Postinternet Art, a movement she framed in 2006. She has also curated programs at the Guggenheim, New Museum, SFMOMA, White Columns, and Artists Space,. She has served on Advisory Boards for Creative Capital, Ars Electronica, Transmediale, ISEA, the Getty Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Kennedy Center, and the Tribeca Film Festival. Olson studied Fine Art at Goldsmiths, History of Consciousness at UC Santa Cruz, and Rhetoric & Film Studies at UC Berkeley. She has recently been a visiting artist at Yale, SAIC, Oberlin, and VCU; a Visiting Critic at Brown and RISD; and Visiting Faculty at Bard College's Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts and Ox-Bow. She previously taught at NYU/Tisch School of the Arts' new media graduate program (ITP) and was Assistant Professor of New Media at SUNY-Purchase's School of Film & Media Studies. She was recently an Artist-in-Residence at Eyebeam.
April 22 2013 12:27 on Breaking the Ice

Hi, everyone! Wow, I've got to say, it's nice to see some familiar names here! Michael, Congratulations on your new job. As someone who held that same title (and various ...
Hi, Josephine.

Thank you for these points of clarification. I actually tried to convey (and forgive me if I failed) that your presentation was unique in identifying multiple generations of ...
July 2 2008 14:44 on Go Ahead, Touch Her

Why are vocal remixes different than video? This is a very interesting distinction. Can you please say more about this and why one is ok and one isn't, beyond the ...
July 1 2008 10:06 on Go Ahead, Touch Her

Hi, Brittany.

I'm sorry that you found my article objectionable. I didn't intend to make the implications you suggest, but I believe your response cuts to the most interesting aspect ...
March 29 2008 15:08 on Out of Office AutoReply

Sorry, I'm not going to try to be a "spokes[wo]man" for anyone. My effort was to offer a critique of the work, and now you have my take ...
March 28 2008 11:27 on Out of Office AutoReply

Tom, thanks for your close-reading of the piece, but these are really questions for the artist, not me. I can personally say that I like when artists think about multiple ...