Marie Kazalia

Member Since December 28, 2010

*“Transmedia”, moving beyond traditional forms of publication and networking.*I've started writing, as a regular contributor, for the Transmedia blog on photo, video, digital and sound artists, especially those in my geographic region. “Transmedia” is VASA’s Blogging Project to connect people to events and people to people. "Transmedia" is  a global networking project publishing the work of artists, theorists, critics and others on an international scale transcending traditional media categories. The “Transmedia,” blog will cover photography, video, sound, digital art and theory. “Transmedia” will focus on artists, writers and theorists from north, south, central America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and New Zealand. you are a  photo, video, digital, or sound artist, especially in the regions that include Cleveland and Pittsburgh, I'd like to know what you are working on for possible development into a blog article.
Feel free to email me, Marie Kazalia at :
Jan. 13 2011 12:29 on The Postmedia Perspective

IMO, the term New Media should simply be Digital Media as such is part of Transmedia
as for the Transmedia blog:
“"Transmedia" is  a global networking project publishing the work ...