Krista Hoefle

Member Since June 5, 2005

Krista Hoefle received her MFA (Sculpture) from Pennsylvania State University in 1996, and her BFA (Furniture Design) from the Savannah College of Art and Design in 1994. Her current work investigates embodiment in video game experiences through sculptural practices. Using a wide variety of analog and digital techniques, Hoefle is reinterpreting MMOG and other video game-based exchanges and objects in physical spaces. These spaces are constructed through a combination of electronic objects, prints, video, sound, and other technologically infused elements intermingled together in an installation environment that bleeps and blops.Recent exhibitions of Krista's work include: "Mystery Science" at Tryk Tryk Tryk Gallery (Copenhagen); "Ah Wilderness" at Ebersmoore Gallery (Chicago); "Mischief Night" at the Hyde Park Art Center (Chicago); "Two Minute Film Festival" at the Carnegie Museum of Art (Pittsburgh); "Video Dada" at Room Gallery, University of California (Irvine), curated by Martha Gever; "Paper City" and "X" at Mixed Greens Gallery (NYC). Krista has had residencies at Anchor Graphics (Chicago) and The Experimental Television Center (Owego, NY), and a Visiting Artist at the University of Tennessee (Knoxville). Her work has been reviewed in regional and national publications such as Sculpture Magazine, Art Papers, and TimeOut Chicago.For more information, visit Krista's website:
hi alexandra–i love your project idea! good luck:)