Juan Concursos Gratis

Member Since September 17, 2010

I work as an IT programmer, but I've recently found out that my passion is graphic design. I'm right now studing to be a graphic designer, and I'm constantly trying to learn new things. I've got a website of my own called as my last name:http://concursosgratis.netwhere I post all the information which I think that would be useful for me and for others, but its in Spanish, so many won't probably understand anything what the website says.I've got 2 dogs, pancho and pepe, and believe it or not also a hamster. Yep, a 30 years old man with a hamster, but well he's quite cute.Why do I mention my pets in my profile? Because they are the ones who really inspire me when creating art. Yeah, I know that it sounds kind of weird but you could be suprised the number of ideas that come to my mind every time my dogs are doing strange things, I wonder why during all my life animals were my main source of inspiration, and I don't know how, but every time I play, talk, walk with my dogs, fresh ideas come to my mind. Anyone who reads this would probably think that I'm a freaking lover of animals, but without them my life wouldn't be the same.