Joseph Moore

Member Since September 30, 2008

Joseph Moore received his MFA from Bennington College 2003. His work has been exhibited in The New Museum, NY, NY; the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv, Israel; Interstate Projects, Brooklyn, NY; Outlet Fine Art, Brooklyn, NY; and Arebyte, London, England. In collaboration with theater historian Stephanie Vella he produced the web-based travelogue “Constellations Over Playas,” commissioned by and funds from the Jerome Foundation. “Constellations” was added to the Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art, Cornell University in 2015. A selection of his work can be found at
I think it's worth considering the history of other substitutes for government provided currency when discussing the use of Bitcoin, etc, as an option. Specifically I'm thinking of the use ...
Aug. 30 2009 22:12 on Sesame Street Highlights

Another great one: with Philip Glass.
March 26 2009 01:08 on Media Studies

Alan M. MacEachren's How Maps Work: Representation, Visualization, and Design

Not sure if these are experimental but they often made me think of space in way I hadn't previous to ...