Jon Williams

Member Since November 15, 2006

The number of processor cycles required to calculate pi increase with the number of digits it is calculated to. After months or years of playing the song, any fixed computer ...
meh. Better when Paperrad did this.
July 24 2009 17:20 on Logo (2009) - Oliver Jennings

Everyone on rhizome is a dude
July 24 2009 12:41 on Logo (2009) - Oliver Jennings

Who was the dude doing the stuff with the warner home video logo?
July 14 2009 14:50 on Seedbed (2009) - Pall Thayer

July 8 2009 13:50 on On Tour

"Stand by what we write" = Totally meaningless phrase
I'm going to be on an Amtrak train with very slow GSM connectivity (unlikely to be able to stream) so if anyone wants to txtcast it to me via AIM ...