Jeff Gates

Washington, DC —

Member Since January 1, 1996

Jeff Gates is a writer and designer. His articles on society and culture have appeared in The Washington Post, The Atlantic, Smithsonian Magazine, National Public Radio, and on Medium. Interested in the social intersection of art and American culture he is constantly exploring new platforms with which to engage the public. In 1999, he was the first artist to use eBay by auctioning his personal demographics to the highest bidder. In 2008, to the chagrin of even his most ardent supporters, in a net piece entitled, My Tweet Tooth, he used Twitter to tweet his root canal live to dentists across the US and Canada.

Since 2010, under the guise of the Chamomile Tea Party, he has been remixing World War II-era propaganda posters with new text and imagery about the sorry state of American political discourse. High res copies of these posters can be downloaded for free. In the months just before the 2012 election he purchased ad space in Washington, DC's subway to extend the reach of these posters. In 2018, Google Arts & Culture published a six-part exhibition of this work with over 120 posters and interpretive text.

You might also be interested in knowing that the Paik estate archive recently found a new home at the Smithsonian American Art Museum.