// jonCates

Chicago —

Member Since March 4, 2008

jonCates is an internationally recognized Glitch Noise Artist based in Chicago who exhibits worldwide in galleries, museums and online.
Natacha Stolz, Ei Jane Janet Lin & Miao Jiaxin are presenting this Friday @ Upgrade! Chicago:


they will be discussing their projects in the context ...
Sept. 23 2009 12:04 on 5 Minute Romp thru the IP (1971)

The Distribution Religion was created between 1971 - 1973 by Phil Morton + Dan Sandin. this document consists of the schematic plans for building your own copy of a Sandin Image Processor ...
Colorful Colorado by Phil Morton is among the works being made available, preserved + archived through the Phil Morton Memorial Research Archive that i founded in 2007 after receiving a generous ...
Jane Veeder discusses her individual + collaborative projects, working w/the ZGrass programming language, the Sandin Image Processor + Phil Morton in the interview that we (criticalartware *) did w/her in 2003 ...