Henry Lowengard

Member Since March 11, 2005


Henry Lowengard: (as of March 2011)A nicer version is at : http://www.jhhl.net/who.htmlIn general, go to http://www.jhhl.net for contact and updated information!Art shows and other artistic pursuits2007.. now: iPhone/iPad apps with an art/theoretical bent, mostly music related: SrutiBox and Droneo are two droning apps with a lot of configurability, Enumero counts in a variety of ways, Minute expands and compresses speech and other bursty sound in its own mysterious way, Tondo allows the construction of sound by drawing its corresponding sonogram . 2010: Powers Of One: a response to Powers Of Ten on www.core77.com. Also: Nest of Power (2011).2005Love Is So Sweet, a Valentine's Day animation.The Daily Vapor, a new image created daily.2004October 20, 2004: Delicious EveningAn evening of music, readings and animation by Henry Lowengard and Nancy Graham at Deep Listening Space in Kingston NY. Detailed information and media are here!September 24, 2004: Listen with Your Eyes WorkshopNancy Graham and I participated in the Listen With Your Eyes workshop on experimental video and devotional cinema. Here is the short video I made from that workshop, Seeing (2'55'', 13M).2002Animations for POLLOCK SQUAREDthe experimental ultra-indie art biography/fantasy Pollock Squared, by Bill Rabinovitch features a few of my rather small animations. 1997-1999Exhibitions at ECHO HeadquartersThe Art Conference of ECHO, the venerable NYC online community, sponsored group shows when there was a place to hang them.I showed works in:December 1997: PERCOLATING INSIDE & OFFLINEShowing the same triptych as was shown at Dong-Ah Gallery.May 1998: THE SELF-PORTRAIT SHOWshowing this:(actually something more sophisticated than that),and a comic done with my wife, Nancy Graham.October 1998: ABSTRACT ECHOIDSShowing an hour long mix of my video work.May 1999: SPRING FEVERShowing a doll I made with my then 2-year old son Raymond.October 1999: CURVESShowing some ancient vertice-local warped curve pictures from the 70's that I made.1996ISEA'96 Rotterdam, The Netherlandspresented a poster session with Nik Williams: CYBERGOMI: Here Today Gone Tomorrow Featuring a Vapor Paint video and a live demo.1995October 1995:TELECOM '95 (Geneva) VRML spaces for France TelecomSummer 1995:Dong-Ah Gallery, Seoul Korea Vapor Paint Triptych - 23x23 inch IRIS prints: one Vapor Paint (2-d) scene and two Inventor (3-D) scenes derived from the same data.1994Article in "Experimental Musical Instruments" newsletter: vol 9 #6, on "Software-o-phones," my computer based software instruments. and sound examples on the compilation tape for Volume 9.[available at http://www.echonyc.com/softphones.html]January 31:Presentation/performance of sound and animation at Staedtische Galerie im Buntentor, Bremen GermanyOctober 24:Presentation at Trinity College, Hartford CT.Animations for WFMU-TV, another public access show.1993April:New York Tension, group show at Gallery 450 showing "SOLD", a computer poem using FRAX.September:Release of CD "Transforms:the Nerve Events Project" on Cuneiform Records with "Sublime Message".Spring and summer:created animations for an interactive computer piece running at the Taejon Expo in Taejon,Korea.1991October:Animation for ECO-WARRIOR, a one woman show at the Society for Illustrators by Sandra Filippucci.October:Animation TUNA WIGGLE, based on the paintings of Bill Rabinovitch, is produced over a period of about six weeks. It was shown fairly often on Bill's cable TV show ART SEEN.Back in 1991, it took two days to render the 1100 images, to be shown at 10 fps, and they were at a special half video resolution. Now, it takes 20 minutes and 40 seconds to render the 3432 images, to be shown at 30 fps, at full video resolution.1987November:For the first show at Mission Graphics Support in the East Village, NYC, of a new kind of art by Sandra Filippucci, I coined the term DIGITAL MONOTYPE. Art historians, take note!1980June:Barnes Gallery, Loomis-Chaffee School:One man show of altered Polaroid SX-70 pictures and Postcards.Altered SX70 over Postcard (this is a color Xerox of the original…)April:staged reading of my play "Touch Typing"Performances and Radio1996June 12 and October 24-26,1996Player with First Avenue's performance piece A CRITICAL MASS Washington Square ChurchFebruary 2, 1996WFMU-WKCR radio war participant - "A radio simulcast war fought with cartoon sound bites."1994January 31:Presentation/performance of sound and animation at Staedtische Galerie im Buntentor, Bremen GermanyApril 18:Radio Program WBAI-FM: Singing Science Records showDecember 11:Radio Program WBAI-FM: Found SoundsI start singing with the Loser's LoungeEventual repertoire:Brian Wilson, "Still I Dream of It"Bert Bacharach, "San Jose"Harry Nilsson, "There Will Never Be"A. C. Jobim, "Aguas de Março", with Nancy GrahamLee Hazelwood, "Poet, Fool or Bum"1993January and October:WBAI-FM radio, "Oblique Strategies", processing live listener phone calls with HARM.August:co-wrote and acted in "A Tragic Occurance," video play as Egon Schiele. Manhattan Public Access Cable TV.October:"Naked and Not Ashamed," solo series at performance space bOb, played various computer instruments and processed poetry and television audio. Curated by David First.Lots of times:"Empty Orchestra Café," Perry Hoberman's crazy artistic version of a karaoke bar. I made about six karaoke videos for this project, and sang a lot of the others. The most notorious of them was "Madonna Mopey Lay," a mangled English "translation" of "La Donna è Mobile" from Verdi's Rigoletto.1992October:featured on radio WKCR-FM, "Transfigured Night"1990December:Cyberspace party: Sound and Fury animation and sound effects1989October:Sound and Fury Club Day of the Dead mutimedia computer jam.February:American Festival of Microtonal Music at Yamaha Showroom: Tape piece "Nov 13, 1987" and tape realization of Josip Slavenski's "Music for Natur-tone System"November:American Expressionism Panel: simulated Mark Kostabi via interactive computer animation. With Vincent Bilotta.1988May:American Festival of Microtonal Music, realized a version of Tenney's "For Ann(rising)" in software.1985April:American Festival of Microtonal Music at RoulettePremiere: Just Autoharp ImprovisationsMusic Discography2003: Sounds of the Northeast Freeform DJ, WFMU 2003 Premium"Ultra Violets (short version)"2002: Experimental Musical Instruments: the Later Years"Software-o-phones (1994)." (Reissued from the original Cassette)1993: Transforms:the Nerve Events Project "Sublime Message"Software in the service of artAmiga, NeXT, SGI, Linux, Mac (OS 6 .. 10.3), Perl, PHP, Java, C, FORTH and more.Interesting Amiga softwareRead about some of these in this articleRGS - Realtime Graphical Synthesizer: instantly creates sound by painting its spectrogram.BITE - Audio travesty program: develops a crude grammar for audio, then generates sound using the grammar.LYR - MIDI autoharp simulation program, with sequencer and extensions for other stringed instruments.HARM - audio effects program: Harmonizes, slows down, retriggers sound in real time.BUZZ - 8 voice audio synthesis daemon. Commands can be sent to configure and control digital synthesis patches.8PUS - simple eight voice MIDI controlled audio synthesizer.WINK - more complicated eight voice MIDI controlled synthesizer.FRAX - script controlled visual text blending and display program.VAPOR PAINT - drawing and animation program. All drawing gestures on an infinite plane are stored and used to drive pen functions to create animated drawings.EE - Tuning language for tuning different microtonal synthesizers.LPCView2 (NeXT) - an upgraded and fixed up version of LPCView, it allows one to draw and revise Linear Predictive Code parameters to synthesize audio.Internet SoftwareVarious features of www.wfmu.org: the online catalog system, the "Crackpot / Visionary Card-of-the-day," the "Sound of the Day", the Candy Valentine Heart server, the Old Codger's Almanac, many Marathon pledging scripts, playlists and the amazing Internet Museum of Flexi/Cardboard/Oddity Recordings" .http://www.wfmu.orgThe Internet Museum of Flexi/Cardboard/Oddity RecordingsThe Internet Synthesizer - which simulates an analog synthesizer via an HTML form and its own digital audio synthesis language.Originally developed on a NeXT, it's been ported to SGI Irix, PC (NT), Solaris, Linux, and Mac OS X.http://www.wfmu.org/~jhhl/sinth.htmlhttp://www.echonyc.com/~jhhl/sinth.htmlBlips - Dynamic VRML creator : jumbles up oddly shaped objects and links to a stock, yet cryptic phrases drawn in my own randomly warped typeface.Primordial Computer Art1970s1969-1974Loomis Chafee School, Windsor CTPDP/8e programming and hacking.Wrote the language MUCAL, a FOCAL variant with an extension to play music via the "kludge harp" method of placing an AM radio near the machine while running a tight loop.1974-1980Trinity College, Hartford CT:Working on a PDP/8 and PDP/11, and school-built 8008 microcomputer3D vector plotting programlocal space warping 3D Warnock renderer.Raster imagery on a Diablo daisy-wheel printer I graduated from Trinity in 1980 with a BA in Computer Science Coordinated with English. I was one of two students graduated with this degree the first time it was established.1980-1988Information Builders:I took over the graphics programming and maintenance in 1980; but also spent a lot of time playing with the HP7220 and 7221 plotters, driven by programs on the trusty SuperBrain (which I still have). I did one or two of the FOCUS 4GL Manual covers using this setup! other research with the SuperBrain and HP7220 plotter:contour drawing of arbitrary fractal landscape functions.Contour slices of a fractal landscape (color added by hand)
I've been doing spectral music for a pretty long time and have always had reservations about FFTs - they're kind of a solution, but not to the problem. I usually use ...